Organic milk is healthier and more nutritious than milk produced the old fashioned way.
Scientists at Washington State University compared the milk that came from two groups of cows. The “old fashioned” cows had been fed a diet of mostly corn, probably living in what are called “confined animal feedlots” where they are also treated with hormones and antibiotics. The organic cows were raised in pastures, where they ate grassy plants. Both groups produce milk, but it turns out that the milk from organic cows has much higher levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids, the “healthy fats” that are good for the heart.
Both organic and old fashioned milk contain two kinds of fatty acids. Omega-3 helps improve heart health. Omega-6 poses risks for cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammation and auto-immune disease.
Although the total amount of fat in both groups studied was about the same, the organic milk had 62 percent more omega-3 fatty acids and 25 percent fewer omega-6s than the old-fashioned milk.
Conclusion? If you drink milk containing any fat (whole milk, 2 %, 1%, reduced fat), the safest, healthiest milk to drink is organic.
Of course, organic skim milk is better for you, too. In fact, overall, organic agriculture has long been proven to be better for the environment because it avoids toxic pesticides and herbicides that can contaminate groundwater, pollute the air, and indiscriminately kill birds, insects and other wildlife. Organic milk and beef production requires that animals be treated more humanely and not given hormones and antibiotics, which can disrupt human reproduction and create antibiotic resistance in people.
With this study showing that the fat in organic milk is actually better for you than the fat in old fashioned milk, it should be a no-brainer to choose organic.
Got milk? Make it organic.
Here’s how you can afford to spend 30% more on organic food.
4 thoughts on “Organic Milk is Healthier for You, Study Shows”
I like that the public is starting to wake up and realize that good fats are in fact… good! The 1990s craze against fat took many healthy foods off the grocery list like avocado, nuts etc. Thanks for sharing this important info.
Thanks, Lindsay. Everything in moderation, but especially when it comes to good food. Thanks for writing!
[…] Organic Milk || I drink lots of milk and I always have. When I was 13 my family started only buying organic milk. I noticed a significant improvement in my allergies at the time, and now that I buy my own groceries, I always choose organic. […]
I always choose organic, too. It seems like a no-brainer shift to make. Plus, it just tastes better! Thanks so much for commenting.