First, deadly dog food. Now, contaminated chickens. Locally grown, organic fruits and veggies never looked so good!
If you ever needed a reason to eat fruits and vegetables that were grown by people you know and trust, read this week’s news reports
If you ever needed a reason to eat fruits and vegetables that were grown by people you know and trust, read this week’s news reports
With all the havoc that increased resistance to antibiotics is causing in treating disease, why in the world do we need another antibacterial product
The link between the state of the environment and women’s health is finally getting the attention it deserves, and there’s no better day to talk
How can we really make our money matter? One way is to focus our spending so that its power can be felt. That’s what the
The uproar over Don Imus’ appalling comments about the Rutgers women’s basketball team have thrown a sharp spotlight onto how powerful consumers can be in
Remember when people used to say, “you’ve got the whole world in your hands”? Not any more. These days, we women have the whole world
If there’s one thing I hate to see on store shelves around this time of year, it’s “Peeps.” These sugar-coated, marshmallow-molded, chick-imitating disasters masquerade as
It seems second nature to reach for an aspirin to stop a headache or ward off potential heart disease. We can do so thanks to
A family living in New York City is making news because they’re giving up toilet paper for a year. They’re also foregoing new clothes, foods
Amid reports this week that this has been the world’s warmest winter since the government first began keeping track more than a hundred years ago,
Hi! I’m passionate about helping you protect yourself and your family and save money doing it. I believe we can use the power of our purse or pocketbook to change the world.
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