Thousands of women have joined the “One in a Million” campaign. Participating couldn’t be easier. They simply pledge to shift $1,000 of their annual household budget to products and services that offer the greatest environmental benefits. That doesn’t mean spend MORE money. It means spend money differently to make a difference.
Deborah H. from Nashville, Tennessee and the mother of two boys, is the latest “One in a Million” winner. Here’s how she shifted over $1,000:
* Joined a Winter CSA – $704.50
* Bought Bamboo Sheets – $ 93.77
* Joined a Spring CSA – $400.00
Total ………………. $1,198.27
Why did she do it?
“I joined One in a Million because I received an e-mail from the women’s list-serve at my church (Christ Church Cathedral in Nashville, TN) about the good things your group was doing.
“Thinking about the campaign has impacted how I buy. We use bamboo sheets on our beds, we recycle, and we belong to a CSA. My husband bikes to work when he can. We car pool with another family for school and we donate extra funds to our electric company for green energy.
“The winter CSA we belonged to was through Avalon Acres in Tennessee. Every two weeks we received all of our brown eggs, meats and baked goods through them. We helped to support an Amish family through the winter. This spring we are involved in a CSA through Delvin Farms in Nashville. We are receiving every other week fresh vegetables and fruits from the farm.”
By shifting her budget to more eco-friendly products, Deborah is using her big green purse to encourage farmers and manufacturers to reduce pollution, protect the landscape, and help her live a healthier, safer life. If a million women follow Deborah’s lead, they’ll make a billion dollar impact in the marketplace and send an unmistakable environmental message to industries.
Thumbs up, Deborah! And congratulations!!
For more One in a Million stories, see here, here, here and here.
Want to join us? Sign up here.
1 thought on ““One in a Million” Mom Shifts $1,000 to Greener Food, Bedding, Biking”
It’s exciting to see so many people participating in the One in a Million campaign! I can’t wait to get your balance sheets. Remember, it’s not about spending MORE money. It’s about shifting money you already spend. Let me know how it works for you.